Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Seats still available in PSY P480 Psychotherapy: Empirically Supported Interventions

P480: Psychotherapy: Empirically Supported Interventions
Fall 2015,
Professor Holtzworth-Munroe

The major goals of this course are: To introduce students to: 1) the evidence-based, or empirically-supported, movement for selecting psychological interventions; 2) research methods for evaluating psychotherapy interventions (i.e., therapy outcome) and issues to be considered when conducting such research; 3) examples of empirically supported treatments (ESTs) for selected psychological disorders (e.g., anxiety, depression, substance abuse); and 4) issues and research regarding implementation of ESTs to the real world (e.g., diversity) and possible future directions for the field of psychotherapy.

Grading will include brief hand-in assignments and quizzes on all reading assignments (most classes), a group project and presentation (presenting an empirically supported treatment that we haven’t covered in the assigned readings), and class attendance and participation. There are no exams or papers. Readings are original journal articles and chapters from graduate course and professional books.

Suggested pre-requisites, but students may register with permission of the instructor without all of these: P101/102 or P155; P211; K300; P324.

Please note: This course will count as either an Advanced or a Capstone Course in the Psychology BA and BS - it can count for either one Advanced or one Capstone, whichever you need. You cannot count it for both requirements. This course was previously taught under the course number PSY-P457 so please check in with an advisor if you do not know if you already have credit for this course.

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