Thursday, January 10, 2019

Announcing the Drs. Sidney and Becca Fleischer Research Scholarship

I am pleased to announce the Drs. Sidney and Becca Fleischer Research Scholarship for undergraduate students who are actively involved with research in the sciences. Please forward this announcement to your faculty and students, as appropriate. An application packet with instructions is attached.

Eligibility requirements for the Fleischer Scholarship are as follows:

·         Applicants must be undergraduates in the College of Arts and Sciences majoring in, or intending to major in, one of the natural sciences, with preference given to those working in life or physical sciences.

·         Applicants must have completed at least one semester of work in a research lab under the guidance of a faculty member in the College, with the intention of continuing in that lab for the following year.

·         Applicants must maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA overall, with a 3.5 GPA in their science courses.
To apply, students must complete the attached application packet and submit it to: The laboratory’s PI must separately submit a letter of nomination to See the attached instructions for more information.

A copy of the application can be picked up in Psychology 229.  Applications will be accepted from January 7, 2019 through March 8, 2019.

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