Southern Care Hospice is looking for volunteers.
Southern Care works with adult patients with a wide range of medical conditions
including but not limited to Alzheimer’s Disease, cancer, COPD, CVA, and CHF
that have a prognosis of 6 months or less. We see patients in their
homes, assisted living facilities, and skilled nursing facilities.
Volunteers are needed for a wide range of activities
Making friendly visits to patients and their families
Providing a listening ear and taking with patients about
their life
Reading to patients, playing cards, or participating in
other activities with patients.
Playing music for patients
Running errands for caregivers or sitting with patients for
their caregivers to run errands
Assisting with birthday activities or other celebrations for
hospice patients
Providing office support
Assisting with bereavement and grief support
Sitting with patients at end of life
All volunteers are provided with CPR training.
If you are interested in any of these volunteer
opportunities please contact