Wednesday, March 29, 2017

2017 Summer Harlan Awards - Reminder, Applications Due 3/31/17

Attached you will find the 2017 HARLAN SCHOLARS PROGRAM SUMMER RESEARCH APPLICATION.  The Harlan Award is open to graduate and undergraduate students.  Applications are due to Cherlyn Crees ( by this Friday, March 31st at 5pmSee applications requirements listed below:

Graduate applications must include:
·         Application Form
·         One (1) PARAGRAPH describing your proposed research.  It is expected that research will be conducted throughout the summer.
·         Current CV
·         Faculty mentor letter of endorsement
·         If an applicant has received a Harlan award in the past, the faculty member is asked to provide information in the supporting letter to address how the award was used in the past.

Undergraduate applications must include:
  • Application Form
  • One (1) PAGE describing your proposed research.  Include proposed start and end dates during the summer session.
  • Current CV
  • Faculty mentor letter of endorsement
·         If an applicant has received a Harlan award in the past, the faculty member is asked to provide information in the supporting letter to address how the award was used in the past.

Application Deadline: March 31, 2017 at 5:00 pm

Harlan Laboratories & Psychological and Brain Sciences (PBS): 
Harlan Laboratories was founded by Howard P. Harlan in 1931 in Indianapolis, IN and was expanded by Hal Harlan to become the leading provider of animal research models.  PBS researchers have used Harlan animals for generations to make fundamental contributions to the creation of knowledge in behavioral neuroscience.  A permanent sign of the Harlan’s relationship with PBS exists in the form of the larger-than-life limestone brain sculpture, installed outside the Psychology building in 2013 with the support of the Harlan family, including Doug and Hugh Harlan.  To strengthen this relationship further, we expect that the Harlan Scholars program will produce a cadre of outstanding young researchers who will carry forward Harlan's lasting impact on animal research in neuroscience. 

Harlan Scholars Program:
The Harlan Scholars Program recruits and trains students who conduct neuroscience research using animal models and focus on problems related to behavior, disease, and fundamental processes that affect health and wellbeing.  The Harlan Scholars Program invites applications from PBS graduate and undergraduate students (in good academic standing) to conduct behavioral neuroscience research. We expect that most Harlan Scholars will be grad students, but exceptional undergraduates will be considered.  Harlan Scholars will receive a stipend to conduct research in the summer, with the expectation that a faculty sponsor will pay for research expenses.  A brief progress report (describing research accomplishments) is due on the first day of fall classes at the completion of the summer research program.  In addition, Harlan Scholars are asked to acknowledge the support of the Harlan Scholars Program in their publications, and to update their progress report for a period of three years when their manuscripts are accepted for publication.  Approximate award amounts (subject to availability of funds):  graduate students $5,000; undergraduate students $2,500.  It is expected that award recipients will devote 100% effort toward their research during the award period.  Therefore, it is expected that award recipients are not enrolled in coursework during the award period (research credit hours are permitted).  It is expected that award recipients are not paid for other work during the award period; note that a Harlan award replaces PBS teaching obligations in summer and replaces PBS teaching stipend in summer.         ​

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