Thursday, May 21, 2009

Exciting Fall Course: Mathematics from Language

We invite you to consider an exciting Fall Term 2009 course option: MATH-M 385, Mathematics from Language.

Are you fascinated by grammar? Would you like to learn some advanced topics in math that are motivated by contemporary linguistics? If so, please consider M385. It's an introduction to a number of math topics chosen from abstract algebra, formal language theory, logic, and probability. The emphasis is on learning the math, but all of the examples are from linguistics. And although the class will teach you to do proofs, it is not super-rigorous. It's not even intended for math majors. The official prerequisite is MATH-M 118, and courses such as CSCI-C 241 and COGS-Q 250 would be good to have as well. The real prerequisite is an interest in the subject.

MATH-M 385 Mathematics from Language
Section 27130
1:00-2:15 TR
BH 231
Professor Larry Moss

Inquiries about the course may be directed to Professor Moss at

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