Friday, January 13, 2012

No permission needed for PACE-C 400 Issues Forum, class 25982

Students do not need permission to enroll in the main section of PACE-C 400. That is class #25982.

[The other section that requires permission is for the students who are training as facilitators of the small group dialogues and deliberation. That class will not accommodate any additions.]

To advisors:
This is a fun and enriching 1-credit experience that students of any major as well as international students would find interesting. Each year students say they are pleasantly surprised by how engaging the day’s activities are (as they did not expect to have so much fun on a Saturday course). We are using a new venue this year to accommodate about 100 students, though much of the day is spent in small group activities. And the students have chosen a great topic this year – The Internet! Would you please send the message to your students and consider recommending the course this week and through the rest of January?



The program in Political and Civic Engagement – PACE – invites any interested student at IUB to enroll in the
1-credit hour, 1-day
PACE-C 400 Issues Forum. class #25982
It will be held on
Saturday, Feb. 18, at the School of Education, from 10 AM to 5 PM.
The topic this year is
Internet Privacy, Freedom & Security.

Lunch and morning and afternoon snacks are provided.

The forum is planned and facilitated by students and will include an expert panel, lunch discussions in small groups with invited guests, afternoon dialogue and deliberation, and a final session with State Representative Peggy Welch about how to take effective action as an engaged citizen. To see a 4-minute student video, pictures and the article on last year’s Forum, go to

There will be a pre-forum brief reading response assignment and a post-forum position and reflection paper due as part of the graded credit.

We welcome students from diverse majors, perspectives and interests (including international students) to participate in order to enrich the dialogue and experiences of the day. A reminder: if a student currently has from 12 to16 credit hours, there are no additional tuition charges for adding C400.

Thank you for your consideration.

Joelene Bergonzi, Associate Director
Political and Civic Engagement Program -- PACE
Ballantine Hall 132
pace @

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