Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Center for Research on Race and Ethnicity in Society

Ready to be part of the next generation of race & ethnicity scholars?

The CRRES Undergraduate Research Program (URP) connects outstanding students with faculty mentors to provide hands-on experience on research projects related to race and ethnicity. 
Students get to learn what scholarly experts do and develop skills across the humanities and social sciences. You can earn up to $1500 per semester.

It’s your turn. Begin your application today. 
Applications are due April 15 at 5:00 pm eastern. 

CRRES is so much more than a research program. I have benefitted so much from the monthly workshops and my interactions with the group.” 
CRRES has provided me with the opportunity to work with a professor in my field, learn what her research is like, and practice the same techniques myself. Also, the mentor-mentee relationship has provided me with a good resource for later recommendation letters, advice, and knowledge in my field. 

The CENTER FOR RESEARCH ON RACE AND ETHNICITY IN SOCIETY (CRRES) provides an interdisciplinary intellectual space for faculty, postdoctoral scholars, and students who study race and ethnicity. The Center focuses on facilitating and enacting scholarship, mentorship, collaboration, and community, and serves as a platform for raising the visibility of research conducted in the area of race and ethnicity.

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